La Quarantaine du court-métrage was a French online short movie contest taking place during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown. Every week, a new theme was decided, and anyone could submit a short movie under 5 minutes respecting the theme and the lockdown restrictions.
I made a short movie for six of these themes with the help of some friends. Most of these movies were written, shot and edited over the course of one weekend.
La balançoire (The swing)
Theme : "Pulsion(s)" (Impulse)
Theme : "Pulsion(s)" (Impulse)
For this short movie, I wanted to make a cute romantic drama. I wanted to take theme "Impulse" literally, in its "pushing" meaning, and the story was born in my mind from a swing I had in my garden. The swing became a symbol for the characters' relationship, through present and past time.
Theme : "L'intrus" (The intruder)
For this short movie, I decided to experiment a bit with animation techniques. I made a horror movie involving a rubber duck and animated photos to give it a unique and unsettling touch.
Alphonse et la lampe magique (Alphonse and the magic lamp)
Theme : "Merveille" (Wonder)
For this short movie, I wanted to make a parody of a fairytale. I chose Aladdin and had fun writing a character uncertain about the wishes he could make, and a genie who is not helpful.
Victoria's Secret
Theme : "Le secret" (The secret)
This is one of my favorite movies from this contest. This movie mixes thriller and comedy aspects. I particularly enjoyed trying to keep the movie interesting with a simple setting, by using different shots and editing techniques.
Theme : "La métamorphose" (The metamorphosis)
This short movie was inspired by the story of Narcissus, who's so in love with himself that he falls in the water and turns into a flower. It was hard to transpose the story in a modern setting, so I kept it a bit abstract.
Bad Romance
Theme : "Bouquet final" (Grand finale)
This is one of my favorite movies from this contest. It's an unplanned sequel of the story from the first and fourth movies and contains subtle references to each movie I made previously in the contest. I really enjoyed making a horror-thriller type of movie, increasing the suspense and horror gradually and seeing the character develop in the story.
Bonus : Tristan aux yeux d'ivoire (Tristan of the ivory eyes)
Theme : "L'aventure c'est l'aventure" (Adventure)
This entry was made for another short movie contest taking place at the same time, La Quarantaine des Réalisateurs - 24h du court-métrage confiné. This is an audio story taking place in the Middle Ages and following the quest of a blind knight. This really made me work on the sound design more than in my other projects.